Hello World

25 Jan 2019

I was holding off writing a post until I had some content to put in it. But currently I have my fingers in a number of warm pies, each of which I will write about soon and by at least stating my intentions now, perhaps I will get that ball rolling. I also just want to get the ‘Hello World’ post out of the way.


  1. As of today, I have two live applications, both for Computer Science MSc’s, one at Imperial and the other at UCL. Both courses seem great and I will hold off stating my preference in case someone reviewing my application has wandered this far.
  2. I am going back to basics in mathematics on ‘Kahn Academy’ which is a service (?) I’ve always admired but never genuinely used and I must say it is fantastic. kahn_academy
  3. I am playing with OpenFrameworks. Almost at the end of ‘Mastering OpenFrameworks’ which is a great book. mastering_of
  4. I have fully commited to Vim and find all other editors annoying now. Which is nice. vim
  5. I have a bad website.
  6. I guess I’m on the road to a life based in, on and around computing. Whether my applications above are successful or not (they may not be), that is the road I’m on.
