
01 Jul 2019

Evidently I’ve let a few months go by without any update on here, but I’ve kept busy regardless.


kahn1 kahn2

I kept up with the maths on Kahn Academy. I finished the Precalculus course and moved on to the Differential Calculus. Still maths which I did at A-Level but a little harder to get into. Good to be doing some calculus with machine learning in mind, but I’ve shelved the maths for a little while to focus on learning C++.



I’m currently about 70% through this Udemy C++ course. It’s my first time enrolling on a Udemy course and this one isn’t bad. It’s a little slow and could potentially be more thorough, but it is good practice to see C++ used from scratch. The outcome will be a particle simulator too which I always enjoy. Once I’ve worked through this I hopefully will have enough understanding to write simeple graphical applications in C++ with basic graphics libraries, like SDL. I have in mind to create some some cellula automata programs. And also to return to the ofxBoids library with newfound C++ knowledge.

Speakers and Amplifier

Something I’ve wanted to do for years is to make my own speakers and an amplifier set up. So I’ve finally begun that process with a pretty simple set up. The speaker drivers are 5” 8ohm full range 20W nominal Visaton’s. And the amp consists of a small Velleman pre-amp kit build and a 30W Velleman power amp kit. I’m yet to test anything…


CS50 — Intro to Computer Science


I read in an article somewhere that this was a good online course to take, and it does seem like a good one after the first lecture and a half. It gets into C programming early and then works up through the abstractions, up to working with Python and JavaScript. I’ve been wanting to do some pure C programming and this seems like a nice primer to get into.

I think that’s all that is necessary for an update. I have also been working at an architecture school as a workshop technician and I’ve been reading some books. But maybe more about those things another time.
